30 years of forest: the Amazon in the photography of Leonide Principe

30 years of forest: the Amazon in the photography of Leonide Principe

The exhibition “30 years of forest: the Amazon in the photography of Leonide Principe”, curated by Juliana Belota, is part of the program of the Summit of Pan-Amazonian Countries, at the 1st International Forum of the Amazon: cities, sustainability and climate citizenship”, and will take place from the 4th to the 10th of August, at Espaço Teatro Estação Gasômetro, in Belém. According to the photographer, Leonide Principe, this exhibition is a summary of all his work. “These are photographs that summarize a journey in the Amazon”, he says.

The exhibition is organized by SinoLAC - Companhia Estadual Chinesa, which aims to create a platform for economic and commercial cooperation between China and Latin America, with the support of the State Secretariat of Pará (Secult/PA), the State Secretariat of Amazonas ( SEC/AM) and the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (SGPR). The images have a museum impression, by the Celso Júnior Photography Gallery.
The collection of the PhotoAmazonica project is housed at the Centro Cultural dos Povos da Amazônia (CCPA) and has more than one hundred thousand photographs that reveal the journey taken by the photographer, Leonide Principe, in 33 years in the Amazon, covering its ecosystems, in a rare eco- region coverage.

The images of the collection are currently being indexed and made available for user access at the end of this and other museums, through the website https://leonideprincipe.photos and the Tainacan system - Programa Acervo em Rede, whose main objective is to promote the democratization of digital access to museum cultural assets, also promoting the digitization and documentation of the collections of museological institutions on the internet.

More than 200 images of the different Amazonian ecosystems are already indexed on the PhotoAmazonica project's digital platform and available on the website: https://leonideprincipe.photos. This is the beginning of a journey that will result in the indexing of five thousand images from the collection. From this digital platform, the images of the collection will be available to users at the end of this and other museums.
The procedures for carrying out the project have already begun and it should be completed by 2025. The themes of the collection are the various Amazonian ecosystems, its flora, fauna, people, rivers, festivals and landscapes, characterized by the brilliance of Leonide Principe's lens, that take a look at the Brazilian Amazon.

The site will work in the creative commons system, which allows artists, educators, researchers and artivists to use the collection free of charge, for non-commercial activities. In other words, it is worth checking out and disclosing so that as many people who work in the areas of education, art and culture can permanently use the collection. At this time, in addition to launching the website and an interactive education platform, the photographer is dedicated to organizing exhibitions in several Brazilian states.

Peoples of the Amazon Cultural Center

Acquired in the 2000s by the Centro Cultural Povos da Amazônia (CCPA), the collection of photographer Leonide Principe - a French Italian who dedicated his life to this analogue and digital record of the Amazon - is available to Museum users after its indexing. .