The Latin American Guitar Festival arrives at the University of the Arts

The Latin American Guitar Festival arrives at the University of the Arts

It will be from Wednesday to Friday of next week, with master classes, concerts and talks.

The Department of Musical and Sound Arts of the National University of the Arts (UNA) organizes the Latin American Guitar Festival, which will take place from Wednesday to Friday of next week, with master classes, concerts and talks.

All activities will take place between 2 and 9 p.m. at the UNA headquarters, located at 2445 Córdoba Avenue, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta, with free admission.

There, there will be classes and talks that require prior registration through the university's website.

Meanwhile, for the concerts planned within the framework of the festival, admission will be on a first-come, first-served basis until the capacity of the room is exhausted.

As reported in a statement, the lineup includes the participation of guitarist and composer Quique Senesi, who will give an educational concert next Wednesday at 2 p.m. with the theme “The creative process.”

On the same day, at 6:00 p.m., guitar teacher, pedagogue, and educator Ana Laura Siwak will give a talk on the Feldenkrais Method.

On Thursday at 2 p.m., guitarist and teacher Mirta Álvarez will give the talk “Interpretation in the solo arrangement of tango”; and at 7 p.m. there will be a concert by the Chilean guitarist of Mapuche origin César Farías Huenuqueo, who the next day will give the master class “Guitar Technique and Interpretation.”

Finally, next Friday at 8 p.m., guitarist Soledad Lazarte will give a concert.