The Prado prepares an exhibition

The Prado prepares an exhibition

Viceroyal art overflows the Spanish canon

The Prado prepares an exhibition dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe, while American museums increase the funds of an artistic expression that has long been seen as an imperfect reproduction of the European model
Exhibitions Art
Viceroyal art, which emerged in the overseas territories of New Spain, is enjoying its best moment in centuries. The Prado Museum is preparing an exhibition for this season on the Virgin of Guadalupe, curated by two Mexican experts, after producing the essential exhibition Tornaviaje. Arte iberoamericano en España in 2022, curated by Rafael López Guzmán, and after exhibiting (in exchange for its restoration) the masterpiece Biombo de la conquista de México in 2021. The Prado also has 33 works from this period on loan to the Museo de América in Madrid...
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