The urban art that lives in Lima

The urban art that lives in Lima

More than seventeen districts of Lima and six neighborhoods of Callao show graffiti or street paintings on their walls, which in reality are a call to reflection. In each brushstroke of the urban artist, a personal refuge and a call to attention to the community are evident.
The streets of our city speak to us. Every time we walk through the avenues of the districts of Lima and Callao we can witness a series of murals and graffiti that, more than being part of the urban landscape or street art, are a reflection or call for attention to the community and the Government.

Many of these creative traces are described in the fourteen chronicles or profiles that accompany the 162 photographs of “Tránsito”, a book on urban art made by the Spanish journalist Raúl Riebenbauer to raise awareness about the artistic protest that is widely shown. part of our capital.

The journey through these murals leads us to realize that to travel we must also stop to observe and feel what some graffiti artist or street artist shows us through his art.