Art everywhere arrives in Pantano Grande and Encruzilhada do Sul

Art everywhere arrives in Pantano Grande and Encruzilhada do Sul

Art everywhere arrives in Pantano Grande and Encruzilhada do Sul, between the 23rd and 28th of October

Project brings graffiti, muralism and theater to cities in the interior of the state with sponsorship from CMPC
Sharing the love and dedication to the arts with everyone, in every corner where it is possible to reach: this is the proposal of the “Art for every corner” project, which arrives in Pantano Grande next Monday, October 16th, promoting workshops for young people and teachers for an entire week and also a theatrical show for the community in general. The following week, between October 23rd and 28th, it will be Encruzilhada do Sul’s turn.

The first season of the project is being carried out in six cities in the state with the sponsorship of the company CMPC. The project has already passed through Dom Feliciano, Barra do Ribeiro, São Gabriel and São Francisco de Assis. The project is made possible through the Federal Culture Incentive Law and has the support of the Municipal Education Departments.

For CMPC, it is essential to establish partnerships with local communities in order to develop actions that have a positive impact on people's lives. The company supports “Arte por todo canto” as it is an initiative that, in addition to promoting the appreciation of art, trains educators and artists. He considers it a special project because it allows access to culture and contributes to the formation of a new generation of more dedicated, critical and aware young people.

“Arte por todo canto” is a project that has three main actions, carried out during a week of immersion in the municipality that hosts it. It always starts on a Monday and ends on the following Saturday. During this period, from Monday to Friday, two workshops are held – one on Graffiti and Muralism, for young people, and another on Theater as a tool in the classroom, for teachers, both lasting 15 hours. The third action is aimed at the general public of the city: a street show, in two sessions held in two shifts on Saturday.