The plastic universe of Dalmacio Rojas

The plastic universe of Dalmacio Rojas

The plastic universe of Dalmacio Rojas: a dialogue between form and context
He was a multidisciplinary artist from Córdoba. His paintings, engravings and sculptures reveal a look at the social and political dynamics of Argentina and Latin America, while his technique established him as a reference for contemporary art in the region.
In December 1977, the XIII Biannual Salón del Litoral y Centro, organized by the Municipality of Santa Fe, was inaugurated at the Sor Josefa Díaz y Clucellas Municipal Museum of Visual Arts in Santa Fe. Various artists participated and the one who won first prize in painting It was Oscar Gigena, who we already covered in this space in July 2023. The second prize went to Dalmacio Rojas, less known to the people of Santa Fe but relevant to Argentine art.

Born in Córdoba in 1930, Rojas was not only a painter, sculptor and engraver, but also a researcher in the artistic field, whose work was known far beyond his hometown. In the 1950s, he lived in a boarding house with Daniel Moyano, the same age as him, who would become a renowned writer. Graduated from the Figueroa Alcorta Provincial School of Fine Arts in 1967, he dedicated his life to exploring art and its relationship with society.

His meeting with prominent artists such as Alejandro Puente and César Paternosto marked a turning point in his vision, leading him to conceive the Latin American idea in a universal context. His career as a teacher at the Figueroa Alcorta Provincial School of Fine Arts and as a technician at the Emilio Caraffa Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, as well as his direction of the ELE Art Gallery between 1975 and 1980, testify to his commitment to promotion of art in all its forms.
Since 1957, he exhibited his works in numerous individual and group exhibitions, thus consolidating his position in the Argentine artistic field. His achievements and recognitions, ranging from the Gold Medal at the First IKA Hall of Córdoba in 1958 to the Acquisition Award at the National Hall of Santa Fe in 1991, show his evolution.

The thematic richness of Rojas' creations reflects the ups and downs of Argentina and Latin America in the second half of the 20th century. According to the Portal Arte de la Argentina, “there are diverse periods and themes in his work, closely related to the changing circumstances of the country. His painting, in acrylic and on large-format frames, shows a wide palette, loose brushstrokes, a profusion of textures, impastoes, glazes and sometimes the incorporation of other elements through collage.
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