XXII NEXO 2024 International Artists Meeting

XXII NEXO 2024 International Artists Meeting

Toledo celebrates the XXII NEXO 2024 International Artists Meeting in September

The Círculo de Arte de Toledo is ready to host a new edition of NEXO, once again focusing on the rich cultural tapestry of Latin America. September 13 will be the day when the Plaza San Vicente venue will be transformed into a meeting point for artists and lovers of Latin American and especially Nicaraguan art.

Within this framework, the prominent Mexican artist Lalo Sánchez del Valle will have a leading role, creating his works during the month of August at the Círculo de Arte facilities, in an exercise of transparency and creative closeness that will allow the public to enjoy the evolution of his work in real time.

Sánchez del Valle will share space with the Nicaraguan painter Léster Gradiz, better known by his artistic name ‘Savaho’. Gradiz, who currently resides in Greece, brings his proposal of naive and primitivist art, whose exhibition will remain open until September 3. This collaboration is a representation of the diversity of Latin American art that will be the axis of the event.

The complete program will also include an “Encounter with Nicaragua” in September, where the intention is to pay tribute to and explore Nicaraguan culture through various artistic disciplines. Among the participants are the dancer Zenobia Lira, the monologue artist Jamileth Chavarría, and poets such as Anna Victoria Tinoco and Carlos Argüello —who will join virtually from Germany—, and Mel Chavarría.

Music will also play a crucial role, with performances by the groups MINA, led by Josué Monroe and his energetic alternative rock proposal, and the guest group KAMEL. These acts will highlight the mix between Nicaraguan and Spanish, underlining the integrative and multicultural nature of the meeting.

The Spanish participation will be no less prominent, with the collaboration of Javier Iruela, poet and playwright who will perform Nicaraguan poems, and Antonio Ruffo and his choir, who will provide a musical background. Likewise, the Luna Negra association will offer its technical and logistical support, reaffirming its role as a regular collaborator of the event.

Open to the inclusion of more creative voices, the Círculo invites its member artists and Nicaraguans residing in Spain to be part of the initiative. The objective is clear: to build a network of artists committed to art and social reality, broadening the spectrum of collaboration beyond borders and nationalities.

The Meeting with Nicaragua will not only be a platform for artistic exhibition, but also a tribute to the resilience of the Nicaraguan people and their idiosyncrasy. It will be an opportunity to share traditions, dreams and aspirations, in an event that coincides with dates of great historical relevance for Central America and which has as its motto "Art: scope for freedom."
