Exhibition “Mario Rubinski’s Magnetic Space”

Exhibition “Mario Rubinski’s Magnetic Space”

Exhibition “Mario Rubinski’s Magnetic Space” runs until this Sunday (31) at MON
Saturday, 03/30/2024, 08:23

The exhibition “Mario Rubinski – O Espaço Imantado” can be seen until this Sunday (31). The exhibition is organized by the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, on display in Room 7, and features around 150 paintings, drawings and studies produced by the Curitiba artist over six decades, from 1950 to 2021.

The works highlight the elements of color, space and composition present in the painter's canvases. It also explores lighting, three-dimensional illusion and the absence of depth, revealing nuances about the nature inhabited by man. The curation is by Adolfo Montejo Navas and Eliane Prolik.

Mario Rubinski (1933-2021) graduated from the Paraná School of Fine Arts, worked in different areas as a visual artist, painter, draftsman and illustrator.

He was a teacher at the Alfredo Andersen Museum and at several public and private schools in the city. Additionally, he served as head of the Fine Arts section of the Public Library of Paraná. He received great attention in awards at the Paranaense Art Salon, Primavera Fine Arts Salon and Brazilian Drawing Exhibition, among others throughout his artistic career.

The Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON) houses important references of national and international artistic production in the areas of visual arts, architecture and design, as well as great Asian and African collections. In total, the collection has approximately 14 thousand works of art, housed in a space of more than 35 thousand square meters of built area, which makes MON the largest art museum in Latin America.


Exhibition “Mario Rubinski – The Magnetic Space”, by artist Mario Rubinski

Until March 31

Room 7