Women's Urban Art Festival

Women's Urban Art Festival

Women's Urban Art Festival: a commitment to talent with a gender perspective

The festival will feature workshops, exhibitions, short films and women's ventures.
The third edition of the Ibanasca Festival 2023 will take place from October 9 to 16 and with it comes an exciting cultural agenda and a schedule of activities that promise to captivate lovers of arts and culture.
This festival, originated as a self-management project in 2021 in the Municipality of Honda, Tolima, has quickly established itself as one of the most prominent events of female urban art in Colombia.

The growing acceptance by the community prompted an expansion in the offering of the cultural agenda. In addition to artistic manifestations, participatory activities have been incorporated, such as workshops, an entrepreneurship fair, concerts, exhibitions, conversations and audiovisual samples.

The central theme of this third edition focuses on 'The road as a source of inspiration'. This curatorial concept, as the festival explains, is based on narrative, geographical history and heritage, as well as the interpretation of the territory of Tolima and the role that the river plays as a means of preserving memory. The path symbolizes a collective journey of communities, an invitation to travel and a sign of the existence of connections, journeys and mobilizations.
To link culture with the community, the festival aims to open new avenues and promote the exchange of experiences that stimulate the circulation of Ibanasca thought, from the majestic Dulima mountain (Nevado del Tolima) to the serene valley of the Magdalena River in Honda, Tolima.

The varied programming includes the intervention of walls, where eight talented Colombian and foreign artists will create large-format murals in the municipality. In addition, an illustration exhibition titled 'The path of the Magdalena River' will be held, in collaboration with Bogotart and The Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo House Museum. There will also be an entrepreneurship fair with the participation of 30 ventures led by women from the region.

The cultural agenda offers talks, workshops, exhibitions, short film screenings, live dance and music performances, tours of the murals, yoga classes, performances and a closing party. In addition, there will be no shortage of musical presentations with artists such as Elcy Valencia, Cielo de Tambores, Gabriela Ponce, Manuela Ocampo, DJ Miss Champús and DJ Monamour, which will take place in the house of the viceroys on Ibanasca nights in collaboration with Sesiones Monarca .