Argentine and universal Julio Le Parc, back in Cuba

Argentine and universal Julio Le Parc, back in Cuba

Havana, Jan 1 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine plastic artist Julio Le Parc, exhibits today in this capital his exhibition "Regreso", with more than 30 pieces, including drawings, engravings, paintings and installations that span from 1959 to 2023 .


His tendency towards the optical-kinetic current led in its beginnings to a transcendental contribution in terms of visual art, optical illusions or that path of some artists to create works in motion or that seem to have it.

These characteristics would have lacked global impact without the contribution of Latin American creators such as Le Parc, Carlos Cruz Diez, Jesús Soto and Rogelio Polesello, who gave body and soul to their contemporary paintings and sculptures to produce that impression of displacement or activity, said the Cubarte site.

The exhibition "Regreso", by Le Perc, at the Continua Gallery, based on Rayo Street, in Havana's Chinatown, represents a unique opportunity to access as a whole the sustained work of this creator.

The works “Esfera Roja” (2001-2013) stand out in this compendium, an installation nearly five meters high, suspended in the center of the gallery, which surprises with its assembly and the iridescence of the light as it reflects on the fragments. of red plexiglass, highlighted the portal.

Near this piece three small-format sets appear: “Los gouaches” (1959); «A folder of colored sheets» (1971) and a set of silkscreens belonging to the «Alchemy» series (2022).

The aforementioned presentation highlights how, throughout his career, Le Parc carried out a variety of studies or projects, and then transmuted them or not to canvas or sculpture.

This series began in 1988 and continues as part of a constant research exercise, searching into the formal, chromatic variations and their impact on human perception, enhancing the digital site.

Light, color and movement were starting points for the work of Julio Le Parc, who by dint of determination and talent became an unavoidable reference in international art at the time when Latin American art was leading trends and began to expand. its radius of action in other geographies.
