JUSTMAD Madrid Fair will be dedicated to Latin American art

JUSTMAD Madrid Fair will be dedicated to Latin American art

Madrid, Jan 12 (Prensa Latina) The International Contemporary Art Fair JUSTMAD 2024, starting on February 28, will be dedicated to Latin America for its 15th anniversary, the organizers announced today.

The opening of the exhibitions will take place at the Casa de América in this capital, where works, conferences and activities will be offered, highlighting the strong link that exists with Latin American art.

The new JUST Latam program will feature the presence of galleries and artists from Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Cuba, Chile and Venezuela; to which are added two Latin American galleries based in Spain.

The dialogues and meetings with the public will continue from March 7 to 10 at Palacio Neptuno, the main venue of the fair.

JUST Latam presents the Argentine María Lightowler as guest curator of the section, who has a 15-year professional career as a researcher, museologist and cultural manager.

«The JUST Latam project is presented as a center of convergence of various contemporary themes, which will give the possibility of deepening the research of galleries and artists linked to Latin America from multiple approaches (...)», Lightowler reflected.

The galleries that will be part of the JUST Latam session are COTT Projects (Buenos Aires), Impulso Galería (Querétaro, Mexico), JAT arts (Lima), Julia Baitalá Arte Contemporáneo (Buenos Aires), TM Galería (Guayaquil, Ecuador), and those based in Madrid Skiascope and Boom! ArtCommunity.

The Latin American artists invited to JUSTMAD are Luis Gómez Armenteros (Cuba), Enay Ferrer (Venezuela), Renata Juncadella (Argentina), Rubén Ojeda (Mexico), Fátima Pecci Carou (Argentina), TRANQUILO (Argentina), Jose Antonio Torres (Peru) , Alejandro Elía (Argentina) and Álvaro Aroca Córdova (Chile).

Likewise, Larissa Oxman (Ecuador), from Argentina, Sarana Juárez, Florencia Giovagnoli, Mariángeles Blanco, Pablo Edelstein, Patricia Viel, Valeria Real, Cristina Portela, Marcela Magno, Fabio Camarotta and Aku Menditeguy; Ricardo Candia (Chile), Manuel Buylla (Venezuela), Vanessa Paz (Brazil), Leo Moyano (Ecuador) and Iván Villalobos (Chile).