Reina Sofía is a woman's art

Reina Sofía is a woman's art

Culture and the state museum highlight the fact that they acquired 30 works by 22 artists in Arco and that 17 of them are women, worth more than 553,000 euros

The Ministry of Culture and the Reina Sofía Museum acquired 30 works in Arco worth more than 553,000 euros from 22 artists, 17 of them women. Of the total artists, 16 belong to the Spanish context and 6 are foreign (from Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Guatemala and Italy).

It is, therefore, that one more year the Reina Sofía Museum will strengthen its collection coinciding with the most important art event held in Spain and which also serves as support for the fair. A selection of 30 works by artists such as Nuria Güell, Ana Laura Aláez, Lola Bosshard, Esther Boix, Mitsuo Miura, Ana Gallardo, Alicia Herrero, Josep Ponsatí, Miguel Ángel Rojas and Regina José Galindo, among others, that pass, from now, to form part of the Museum's collections.
With the aim of increasing the presence of women in future presentations of the Collection, the Museum has purchased works that represent the new creative generations that give continuity to the feminist poetics of the 70s, in works in very diverse media and of very different generations, with special emphasis on supporting Spanish women artists. Works with discursive themes that bring us closer to social injustices, gender discrimination, and different political realities have also been incorporated, trying to enrich the space that the Museum dedicates in its Collection to Latin American art.

On behalf of the Ministry of Culture, which invests a total of 401,372 euros in 20 works by 15 artists, the pioneer of abstraction in Spain, Lola Bosshard, has been acquired, who joins two eccentric figures in the figuration of the decades of the 60s and 70s, like Esther Boix or Mari Puri Herrero. The painter Armando also explored the aesthetic possibilities of UFOs, while the Japanese artist Mitsuo Miura proposed experiments with the landscape to become one of the pioneers of conceptual art in our country in the 1960s. Julia Montilla analyzes the phenomenon of apparitionisms and Ana Laura Aláez the moral consequences of the AIDS crisis. Alexander Apóstol, a Venezuelan who has lived in Spain for several decades, offers a political history of geometric abstraction in his country. Sonia Navarro recovers textile work as a community and resistance space for women.

In the case of the Reina Sofía Museum, the acquisitions complement the above. Belén Uriel, a Spanish resident in Lisbon, joins the radical forms that sculpture takes today, while the Catalan Josep Ponsatí was the pioneer of pneumatic sculpture in the 70s. The Argentinians Ana Gallardo and Alicia Herrero bring feminism and irony as tools to explain both the material conditions of their own trajectory and the relationship with the colonial past. The Guatemalan Regina José Galindo is one of the pioneers of body art, in the denunciation of violence against women since the beginning of the 90s, and the Colombian Miguel Ángel Rojas is one with the denunciation of the living conditions in a nation. in conflict.