Arte Rotas Brasileiras

Arte Rotas Brasileiras

SP–Arte Rotas Brasileiras will hold its second edition from August 30th to September 3rd at ARCA, in São Paulo. With 70 projects curated especially for the occasion by galleries across the country, the event celebrates the diversity and richness of Brazilian art.

The fair offers thematic audioguides produced by guest curators, which will be available on Spotify, guided tours and conversations with artists. On August 19th, the SP–Arte Circuit will begin, a program that includes activities throughout the city promoted by exhibitors, such as openings, guided tours, open workshops and other events.
Tickets for SP–Arte Brazilian Routes 2023

Get your tickets now at the online box office!

Hours open to the public
August 31, from 2 pm to 7 pm
September 1st and 2nd, from 12pm to 7pm
September 3, from 11am to 6pm

Prices: BRL 70 (full ticket) and BRL 35 (half price)

Update your SP–Arte app! Now you have access to your ticket directly through the app and check out the entire fair schedule, editorials and useful information. Available in iOS and Android versions.