European and Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Art

European and Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Art

The 6th edition of BELA – European and Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Art takes place simultaneously at Correios do Rio and Niterói with the theme ‘Art, Life and Sustainability’

Curated by the renowned Edson Cardoso, the exhibition features different styles, in addition to paying homage to Diego Mendonça, winner of Top of Mind 2023 – international artist
BELA – European and Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Art presents its 6th edition, at Centro Cultural Correios RJ and Espaço Cultural Correios Niterói, with the theme 'Art, Life and Sustainability', curated by visionary Edson Cardoso, showing that art is a fundamental activity for human beings, because when man produces, he interacts with the world in which he lives and with himself.
It is necessary for human beings to become capable of knowing and thus being able to change something, expressing feelings. Soon, Bela Bienal will be at Parque das Ruínas, at Ava Galeria (Fábrica Bhering) and Galeria Melinda Garcia (Shopping Cassino Atlântico). Furthermore, the artist Diego Mendonça, winner of the Top of Mind 2023 award, in the International Artist category, is the honoree of the Correios RJ exhibition.

Confirming the importance of an international event of this size, the exhibition presents works by mostly Brazilian and Finnish artists, alongside Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, German, Norwegian, Mexican, Italian, French artists, as well as one Colombian and three Argentineans .

The works present different, contemporary styles, which promote a cultural dialogue between European art and Latin American art, showing that continental distance coexists in the same space, especially when talking about human manifestations in the form of art.
Edson Cardoso is one of the most highly regarded curators in Brazil and abroad, having left a community in Rio for a career in Finland, and is responsible for the famous Bela Biennal, among other exhibitions.
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