Life, Art and Sustainability

Life, Art and Sustainability

Bela Bienal opens a new phase of its sixth edition at Fábrica Bhering, on the 2nd (Saturday), with contemporary artists and curated by Edson Cardoso.
BELA - European and Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Art opens a new phase of its 6th edition, at Fábrica Bhering/Ava Galleria Rio, with the theme 'Art, Life and Sustainability', curated by visionary Edson Cardoso, showing that art is a fundamental activity for human beings, because when man produces, he interacts with the world in which he lives and with himself. It is necessary for human beings to become capable of knowing and thus being able to change something, expressing feelings. Soon, Bela Bienal will be at Parque das Ruínas and Galeria Melinda Garcia (Shopping Cassino Atlântico). Furthermore, the artist Diego Mendonça, winner of the Top of Mind 2023 award, in the International Artist category, is the honoree of the Centro Cultural Correios RJ exhibition.

Among the artists are Adriano Antoine, Adriano Figueiredo, Alemão Art, Alexandre Pimentel, Amanda Padovani, Ana Luiz Mello, Angela Vielitz, Carla Pinheiro, Christiana Guinle, Daniele Bloris, Favoretto, Hanne Gracie Hansel, Helenita Teixeira, Jonas Tikerpe, Kinkas Caetano, Laura Figueiredo-Brandt, Lorenzo, Lu Gaudenzi, Lucia Guim, Mara Estela S. Pozetti, Marcelo Côrtes, Marcos Aurélio, Maria Esmênia, Mariah Campolina, Marilene Tapias, Moni, Roger Monteiro, Rosa de Jesus, Samantha Quintans, Silvestre Rodrigues and Silvio Ferraz.

The works presented at the Bela Bienal bring different, contemporary styles, which promote a cultural dialogue between them, showing that everyone lives together in the same space, especially when talking about human manifestations in the form of art.

About Bela Bienal
The Bela Bienal (European and Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Art) was launched in 2010 at Palácio de Cristal, in the city of Porto, in Portugal. Artists from Europe and Latin America performed.
In 2023, it is in its VI Edition. More than 500 artists have exhibited in all editions. This year’s conceptual theme is “Art, Life and Sustainability”. The first phase opened at the Poleeni Cultural Center, on May 25th, in the City of Pieksamaki, Finland. It will continue in the cities of Varkaus and finally, on August 9th, the opening took place in Helsinki, in one of the most important Finnish art and culture centers - Cable Factory - a space that houses 2 museums, 5 art galleries and more than 100 studios from most renowned Finnish visual artists. The Biennale arrives in Brazil, between 11/06/2023 and 02/04/2024, where it will be presented at Centros Cultural Correios Rio de Janeiro and Espaço Cultural Correios Niterói. In addition, there will also be some work at Ava Galleria Rio (Fábrica Bhering), at Parque das Ruínas - Espaço Glória Maria and at Shopping Cassino Atlântico (Galeria 221 Melinda Garcia).

The BELA Biennial was designed to be held in Europe and Latin America, bringing together artistic works from different cultures from both continents in the same space. The idea that drives the BELA Bienal presupposes, above all, an attitude of restlessness and boldness in relation to creativity, allowing the public to perceive the result of each artist's differentiated and innovative vision. In this way, it is possible to open a discussion about what they accomplish in the contemporary art scene. Cultures so geographically distant, yet close from the point of view of creative force.
With the aim of promoting cultural dialogue between European and Latin American arts, the set of works selected to participate in the VI Edition of the exhibition will offer a representative overview of the main trends in contemporary art, conceived using different techniques, practiced in both continents. The theme of the works will be highlighted from the perspective of showing what is being produced in contemporary art, with nature as the basis for creation. The exhibition's target audience is businesspeople, independent professionals, collectors, teachers, students and the general public.


VI BELA - European and Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Art
Exhibition of contemporary art works with the participation of more than 100 artists from Latin America and Europe.
THEME: Life, Art and Sustainability
Location: Ava Galleria Rio - Bhering Factory
Rua Orestes, 28 - 2nd floor - Santo Cristo - RJ
Opening: December 2, 2023 at 3pm
Visitation: December 5, 2023 to January 13, 2024
INTERNATIONAL CURATOR: Jari Järnström (Finland) ? Maaria Märkälä (Finland) ? Michael Müller (Germany)
GENERAL COORDINATION: Edson Cardoso? Helena Cardoso
NATIONAL PRODUCTION: Victor Vicente? Yumi Nakaoka Weck
DESIGN: Ailton de Oliveira? Guilherme Bonomo
SOCIAL PROJECT: Gloria Chan? Elisia Alfradique
PRESS OFFICE: Paula Ramagem


