Piuran artists at the Latin American Meeting in Argentina

Piuran artists at the Latin American Meeting in Argentina

Wilmer Lalupú Flores and Joaquín Ramos Alarcón bring their project “Expressions of the soul”, to celebrate 30 years of artistic work

The Piuran artists Wilmer Lalupú Flores (Monte Castillo) and Joaquín Ramos Alarcón (from Catacaos based in Bs.As. Argentina), will exhibit their works as special guests at the celebrations of the XXI anniversary of the Regional Museum of Plastic Arts of Calilegua Jujuy in Argentina.

They are carrying out the bipersonal painting art project “Expressions of the soul” in their 30 years of spreading the art of both artists, Joaquín Ramos and Wilmer Lalupú, who is also a teacher at the José Olaya Balandra school of the A.H. Nueva Esperanza.

The exhibition will be held at the first Latin American arts conference, from August 3 to 6, at the Cacique Calilegua Cultural Complex in Jujuy, where artists from Chile, Peru, Oruro, Bolivia, Argentina, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, San Luis, Salta, and Coronel Dorrego from Buenos Aires will exhibit.

Sculptors, ceramists, painters, anthropologists and lecturers will also be present, all with their artistic creativity, where they will also paint some pictures and murals. The works produced at this meeting of Latin American artists become part of the city museum as regional cultural heritage.

“The “Expressions of the Soul” project is the technical, theoretical and practical research of our 30-year journey, bringing with it a coherent proposal of the work of the exhibitors who have been struggling in this arduous journey, works of various formats and also projects on paper,” said the artist from Monte Castillo.

Visual artist and art critic Francisco Mauricio Ortiz says about the exhibition, “the painting of northern Peru has an expressive force marked by the energetic and warm treatment of its environment, including its streets and characters, a setting dominated by Joaquín Ramos and Wilmer Lalupú.”

Later he says, “Joaquín Ramos is the painter of the endless streets, where perhaps the characters of Wilmer Lalupú walk, warm and earthy streets that rise as if they wanted to reach a higher being or get away from a harsh and beautiful reality, streets where the afternoon wind raises the yucún that envelops everything in a subtle atmosphere of shadows.”

Referring to Wilmer Lalupú, who boasts of being a promoter of future plastic artists from the classrooms of the José Olaya school, he tells us, “Wilmer is a painter of human beings who with his penetrating gaze has decided to conquer his future. His geography is varied, we can find strength and light in the backgrounds of his portraits, as well as bridges that unite each valley or mountain in his agitated composition of images,” he highlights.

Finally, Francisco Mauricio points out very convincingly, “I repeat that the art of Joaquín Ramos complements that of Wilmer Lalupú, it is the path that one creates for the characters of the other to travel, it is the life that leads to these circumstances, it is not at all coordinated, it is the force of the creative capacity of these Piuan artists.”
