Auction of more than 120 works of art in Bogotá

Auction of more than 120 works of art in Bogotá

How to participate in the auction of more than 120 works of art to be held in Bogotá

This Thursday, May 30, offers will be received at Bogotá Auctions, which in 2024 will celebrate 10 years of existence.

This coming Thursday, May 30, at eight p.m., more than 120 works of Colombian and Latin American art, modern and contemporary, will be auctioned at the first auction house in Colombia, Bogotá Auctions, which in 2024 celebrates 10 years of existence.
On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, Bogotá Auctions has prepared a catalog that takes up the traditional auction format: a selection of pieces based on a high level of quality and historical-artistic criteria.
On this occasion, the set of works stands out for the presence of a high number of pieces of great historical value, belonging to different periods.

Thus, works by Fernando Botero, Beatriz González, Alejandro Obregón, Olga de Amaral, Delcy Morelos, Pablo Picasso, Luis Caballero, Joan Miró, Jesús Rafael Soto, Fernando de Szyszlo, Darío Morales, Álvaro Barrios, Luis will be available to interested parties. Luna, Maripaz Jaramillo, Antonio Caro, Ana Mercedes Hoyos and Luciano Jaramillo.
Also from the teachers Édgar Negret, Gonzalo Ariza, Jim Amaral, Juan Antonio Roda, Saturnino Ramírez, Manuel Hernández, Enrique Grau, Rufino Tamayo, Jesús María Zamora, Guillermo Wiedemann, Nadín Ospina, Leo Matiz, Omar Rayo, Ignacio Gómez Jaramillo, Pedro Alcántara Herrán, Ricardo Gómez Campuzano, Leopoldo Richter, Freda Sargent, Bernardo Salcedo and Hugo Zapata, among other great artists.
According to Alessandro Armato, expert director of the Art Department of Bogotá Auctions, “the landscape section, a genre through which modern art entered Colombia, includes pieces from different periods and styles: from the most traditional landscaping by artists such as Jesús María Zamora and Ricardo Gómez Campuzano, to the sophisticated “modernist” landscapes of Marco Ospina and Antonio Barrera."

Charlotte Pieri, general director of Bogotá Auctions, says that with the house "our purpose is to constantly energize and expand the Colombian art market, giving it greater visibility at a national and international level. In addition, this contributes to valuing the heritage present in the country, in particular, colonial and decorative arts, rare and ancient books and documents.”
Among the works that will be part of the Pieri auction stands out “a study by Fernando Botero entitled "Homage to Mantegna", which must be put in relation to the homonymous canvas, now lost, with which the artist won the 10th National Salon in 1958. of Artists. The section also includes an iconic head on paper by Enrique Grau from 1960 and a striking acrylic on panel by Alejandro Obregón that in a few square centimeters concentrates all the dynamism, the fiery lyricism of color and the compositional wisdom that characterizes this artist's painting. ".

He adds that "to this group of works we can also associate a large abstractionist canvas from the seventies by the Peruvian artist Fernando de Szyszlo, who, together with Alejandro Obregón and a few other artists, was one of the great innovators of Latin American art after the Second World War. World War".
Among the pieces to be auctioned, Charlotte Pieri also draws attention to a group of works "by great names in universal art. Within this group, an original ceramic by Pablo Picasso, the great father of universal modern art, whose work is extremely rare in Colombia - titled "Taureau sous l'arbre" and dated 1952. Another highlight of the section is the imposing engraving by Joan Miró "The nymphomaniac president", very representative of his peculiar style, alongside which also stand out pieces by such decisive artists as Alexander Calder, Robert Motherwell or Rufino Tamayo.”
