Juarez Oliveira Art and Restoration Studio

Juarez Oliveira Art and Restoration Studio

Ateliê Arte e Restauro Juarez Oliveira has been preserving historical Brazilian works for almost 40 years

Founded in 1984, the company has an impressive portfolio of more than 300 restoration works of pieces of artistic and cultural value.
The preservation of Brazilian historical heritage is extremely important for maintaining the country's cultural and historical identity. Historical-cultural heritage encompasses works of art, buildings, festivities, music and culinary elements that represent the cultural richness of a people. The preservation of these assets is fundamental for society, as it allows the maintenance of memory, culture and history, in addition to contributing to social, cultural, economic and scientific development. The conservation and safeguarding of these historical collections are inseparable and require the joint action of specialized entities, professionals and society in general.

With almost four decades of history, Ateliê Arte e Restauro Juarez Oliveira Ltda ME has established its name as a reference in the restoration and conservation of works of sacred art and Brazilian historical heritage. Founded in 1984 by the artist Juarez Oliveira, the company began with a commission to paint a Byzantine panel in the Church of São Sebastião, in Juiz de Fora (MG).

Since then, there have been hundreds of projects across the country, including landmarks such as the Museu Paulista, in São Paulo, the Church of Santa Cecília, also in the capital of São Paulo, and the Catedral Nossa Senhora do Paraíso. “We started in Minas Gerais, where I was born and trained. But it was in São Paulo that the company really took off and gained national recognition”, says Oliveira.
The artist, who also works as a muralist and stained glass artist, has a multidisciplinary background in arts, with a bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and courses in Brazil and Portugal on restoration, historical heritage and specific techniques.

This expertise is shared with your team and applied to each project. “Each work has particularities. It’s a meticulous job, which requires attention to detail and a lot of respect for the history of that piece,” he explains.
In addition to a keen eye, Ateliê Arte e Restauro invests in cutting-edge techniques to enhance restoration results. “We mix innovation with tradition. For example, we use traditional mortars in modern buildings, and we use cutting-edge technology in interventions in historic buildings”, explains Oliveira.

This combination of new and old school is a “recipe” that pleases old and new customers. “We have open doors for new challenges. We want to continue renewing and revamping this artistic and architectural heritage that tells stories about our Brazil”, he projects.

Find out more about this exquisite and passionate work for national heritage on the website and social media:


