Flags and Colors Among Us

Flags and Colors Among Us

Itinerant project arrives at Centro Cultural Correios RJ, bringing together 36 artists produced by Arte2
After passing through São Paulo, Vaduz (capital of Liechtenstein), Brussels, Búzios and more recently Guajiru and Fortaleza, the project “Flags and Colors Among Us” arrives at the Correios Cultural Center, in Rio de Janeiro, on August 31st, where he will gather 36 flags customized by artists from various origins. Keeping its itinerant vocation, the event proposes to take the works to galleries and cultural spaces that go beyond continental borders, raising flags – literally – as social and vital mobilizers in different formats, with current themes of relevance to the country. Selected through a call, more than 120 professionals, residing in different regions of Brazil and abroad, have already attended. The realization is by Arte2 Produtora, represented by the visual artist and curator Angela de Oliveira together with the gallerist, photographer and curator Ana Arcioni, who sign and direct the project. In this edition, they count on the collaboration of the artist Renata Costa, who joins them in the co-curatorship.
exhibited works
About 36 flags in voile fabric, measuring 2.50 by 1.0 cm, will occupy the exhibition space, printed and sewn on a wooden rod and fixed to the metal profiles on the ceiling with nylon threads, giving lightness and fluidity to the works, whose theme is free.

“In expressed art, we can flow in our existential journey and transform our concerns into beauty. If we opened its interior, what would we find? In exercising the truth and in the act of being transparent, our internal flags are raised. What are yours? What do you think is at the core of who you are? ‘Flags and Colors among us’ provoked and invited several artists to open up their transparent sensibility. The result is the flags that we expose in this project. More than an invitation, our intention is to provoke the senses with colors, movement and lightness”, says Andréa Cardoni, who works as a collaborator at the event.

Among the confirmed artists are Acácio Pereira, Ara Vilela, Carla Barros, Carlos Sulian, Cati Alionis, Colenese, Cristhina Bastos, Cristina Pacheco, Deborah Netto, Emanuelle Calgaro, Francisco Ivo, Gray Portela, Gualton Remo, Gui Brescia, Henrique Diogo, Hermano Cananea, India Prado, Jansen Vichy, Josephine Di Giovanna, Ju Moraes, Justina D´Agostino, Lenny Lopes, Marcia Fontenelle, Mari Pereira, Miguel Nader, Miriam Gonçalves, Paula Loraine, Renata Costa, Ricardo Massolini, Roberto Vámos, Rose Maiorana , Silvana Ravena, Soraya Boechat, Simone Bellusci, Tarso Sarraf, Thais Moraes and Valéria Oliveira.

Angela de Oliveira was born in Itapetininga, São Paulo, treading a beautiful path in organizing cultural events, also acting in the curatorship of Brazilian art. In her trajectory, she has held more than 50 exhibitions in Europe, the United States, Latin American countries and more than 90 exhibitions in several states of Brazil and assisting artists and galleries. Graduated in plastic arts, she now has more than 1,500 of her own works sold.

Ana Arcioni was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. She is a gallerist and art curator with vast knowledge of Brazilian popular art, as well as a photographer, psychologist and master in human behavior. She is a partner and owner of @viridisgallery (viridisgallery.com), currently residing in Blankenberge, Belgium, where she fulfills her goal of transmitting Brazilian culture through art. With this objective in mind, she has already organized several cultural events, presential and virtual, providing advice to artists and exhibitions with Brazilian artists in different countries in Europe and Brazil.

Renata Costa

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Renata Costa (@renatacosta_art) is a curator, visual artist and architect. She finds in abstract art the way to express her creativity, transmitting the imaginary through textures, movements and spatulas. She produced exhibitions in Brazil and her most recent works participated in the exhibitions “Expressão”, at CCCRJ, “Bandeiras e Cores entre Nós”, in São Paulo and Búzios, and “The art that inhabits us”, in São Paulo. She received recognition for Artistic Merit at the “Luxembourg Art Prize” (7th edition, 2021, Gran Ducado de Luxembourg) and Outstanding Prize at the “Bela Bienal Latinoamericana de Arte Contemporânea” (5th edition, 2021).

“Flags and Colors Among Us”

     Opening: August 31, Thursday, from 4 pm to 7 pm
     Visitation: from September 1st to October 14th, 2023
     Curatorship: Angela de Oliveira and Ana Arcioni
     Co-curator: Renata Costa
     Production: Arte2 (@_arte2_)
     Location: Correios RJ Cultural Center
     Address: Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 20 – Centro – RJ
     Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, from 12:00 to 19:00 Free entry Free classification Press information: BriefCom Communication Office/Bia Sampaio
