A tribute to Oswaldo Vigas

A tribute to Oswaldo Vigas

#BusinessPulse A tribute to Oswaldo Vigas at the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico City

Oswaldo Vigas is one of the most important painters of Latin American art of the 20th century, and is a key piece in understanding the modernist context of Latin America. Oswaldo Vigas turned his gaze towards his native country, its inhabitants and his culture. Inspired by the material manifestations of his pre-Hispanic history and by indigenous legends and myths, Vigas created his own pictorial language that distinguishes him as a precursor of modernity.

Vigas was established as a formal reference and a central link between the different proposals that, in order to generate a Latin American language, were developed in the middle of the last century both in the French capital and in his native land, Venezuela. Therefore, delving into the work of the Venezuelan artist implies understanding the sources of inspiration and the discursive motivations that guided many of the most transcendent Latin American artists of the time. Taking Vigas as the thematic and conceptual axis, “Oswaldo Vigas. Look inside”, immerses us in the plastic universe of Modernism and its greatest exponents.
“Oswaldo Vigas. Look inside”, 100 years after the birth of the master, explores fundamental works of his prolific career, as well as his intellectual interests, in dialogue with other Venezuelan, Latin American and European creators of the time.

This exhibition was curated by Carlos Palacios, the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico City, and had the collaboration of the Oswaldo Vigas Foundation. It will be open to the public at the Museum of Modern Art from October 12, 2023 to February 11, 2024.

The exhibition brings together pieces from different African and South American cultures, as well as around 110 works by 27 artists belonging to the MAM collection and from collections of public and private institutions, among which are Rufino Tamayo, Wifredo Lam, Joaquín Torres-Garcia, Roberto Matta, Pierre Alechinsky, Carlos Mérida, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Thea Segall, Carlos Orozco Romero, René Portocarrero, Joaquín Roca Rey, Francisco Matto, Lilia Carrillo, Oswaldo Guayasamín, Emiliano Di Cavalcanti and Elsa Gramcko.
“Oswaldo Vigas. Look inward” is divided into three cores. In the first, In Search of the Primitive, a brief tour of the cultural references and artistic manifestations of an ethnographic nature from Africa and America, as well as pre-Hispanic Venezuelan art, are fundamental sources for the development of the artist's subsequent work.

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