Festival América do Sul

Festival América do Sul

Festival América do Sul will unite art and sustainability in the Pantanal
October 31, 2023 - 9:50 pmBy Carlos Ferraz

From November 9th to 12th, Corumbá once again celebrates Latin America through the traditional FAS (Festival América do Sul). There will be more than 120 cultural attractions from Brazil and other countries, including musical, theater, circus, dance, visual arts, fashion and oral presentations with 15 hours of daily programming in one of the most important biomes in the world: the Pantanal.

For everything to be perfect, around 500 people are directly involved, including technicians and artists. Among the main attractions of FAS 2023 are Amado Batista (9/11), Neguinho da Beija-Flor (10/11), Criolo (11/11) and Frejat (12/11), but FAS goes far beyond these national presentations .

Governor Eduardo Riedel highlighted the importance of the Festival for the culture and economy of Corumbá and stated that the implementation of the Bioceanic Route has brought South American countries even closer together. “We are experiencing a very strong moment of integration due to the Bioceanic Route and culture plays a fundamental role,” he said.
This year, the Festival, which is in its 17th edition, will feature Casarão Cultural, with performances by musicians from other states in Brazil, and Catedral Erudita, a program focused on classical and instrumental music on the steps of churches.

The event will also emphasize waste collection, encouraging sustainable practices. The expected attendance is 140 thousand people over the four days. The information was released this Tuesday (31) at a press conference, in the governor's auditorium, which marked the launch of FAS 2023.
The director-president of FCMS (Fundação de Cultura de Mato Grosso do Sul), Eduardo Mendes, made a point of highlighting the participation of the population of Corumbá, who gave their opinion through a public hearing. “We listened to civil society to reach all this diversity”, he declared.

The president of Culture and Historical Heritage of Corumbá, Joilson Cruz, says that the city “has its doors open” to welcome anyone attending the festival. “This event marks our daily lives. These are the demonstrations that strengthen our artists and that our city deserves. This festival is one of the biggest events in our state and has a very rich program”, he praised.

Secretary Marcelo Miranda (Tourism, Sports, Culture and Citizenship) spoke of the dedication to making the event a unique spectacle. “We prepared the Festival with great care. We held a public hearing, we listened to the population. It is an event that generates tourism and income”, he concluded.