Art and Black Thought

Art and Black Thought

Dos Brasis – Art and Black Thought

The centrality of black thought in the field of Brazilian visual arts, in different times and places, is one of the main premises that guide the curatorial process of the exhibition Dos Brasis – Arte e Pensamento Negro, on display at SESC Belenzinho, in São Paulo. The exhibition was curated by Igor Simões, who worked with assistant curators Marcelo Campos and Lorraine Mendes, and had the participation of Hélio Menezes in the research.

Created as a result of joint work by culture analysts from the institution across the country, the exhibition presents to the public works in various artistic languages such as painting, photography, sculpture, installations and video installations, produced between the end of the 18th century and the 19th century. XXI by 240 black artists.

The exhibition is presented in seven groups – Romper, Branco Tema, Negro Vida, Amefricanas, Organização Já, Legitima Defesa and Baobá – which have as a reference the thoughts of important black intellectuals in the history of Brazil such as Beatriz Nascimento, Emanoel Araújo, Guerreiro Ramos, Lélia Gonzales and Luiz Gama.

Sesc Belenzinho
Rua Padre Adelino, 1,000. Belenzinho.
São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Visitation: Tuesday to Saturday, from 10am to 9pm. Sundays and Public Holidays, from 10am to 6pm.