Art book from eight Latin American countries

Art book from eight Latin American countries

Provide a trip full of information, images and curiosities through eight Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. This is the central objective of MADE IN AMÉRICA LATINA, a work launched by Arte Ensaio and signed by Fábio Saraiva.

Divided into four axes - Gastronomy, Biodiversity, Culture and Technology - and treated like an art book, the title, also translated into Spanish, reveals the different facets of Latin America, from the northernmost point of Mexico - in Los Algodones , in the region of Baja California, in North America - to Tierra del Fuego - an archipelago divided between Chile and Argentina, in the extreme south of South America.

The Gastronomy axis draws attention for its variety and diversity. Argentine asado, Brazilian feijoada, Peruvian gastronomy, famous Chilean drinks, Colombian broths, Caribbean spices and Uruguayan desserts parade through the pages of the book, guiding us through the stories of typical foods and drinks, which help to translate the culture and identity of Latin American peoples.

The Biodiversity axis celebrates unique places in terms of natural beauty. Patagonia, the Iguazu Falls, the Colombian and Brazilian rainforests, the Costa Rican ecological parks and the unusual forests that grow in the Atacama Desert, one of the driest spots on the planet, are home to some of the most spectacular fauna and flora in the world. Alligators, anteaters, macaws and an infinity of monkeys and birds are part of this ecosystem, which has in the anaconda and the jaguar some of its most famous specimens.

The richness of Latin American culture is also highlighted in the pages of the work for diversity. The intense and vibrant Brazilian carnival attracts people from all over the world, as well as the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead and the lively tango nights in Argentina. Not to mention the impressive ruins of Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas, Casapueblo, a beautiful sculpture that is nothing more than a habitable building in Uruguay, and the Museo del Oro, in Colombia, and its unrivaled collection of pre-Columbian art.

No less important, the last axis addresses the area of Technology and discusses the prominent areas of each of the countries covered in the work, including studies related to Astronomy that take place in Chile, digital education in Peru and Brazilian startups .

With 176 pages and hardcover, MADE IN LATIN AMERICA is produced by the Ministry of Tourism, the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro and the Municipal Secretary of Culture.