Latin American Cinema and Art Colloquium

Latin American Cinema and Art Colloquium

UFOP professor presents research at Latin American Cinema and Art Colloquium

Professor of the Department of Journalism (Dejor) Adriano Medeiros da Rocha presented the article entitled "Between socio-environmental resistance and the dream: reflections in a cine-labyrinth" during the 9th Latin American Cinema and Art Colloquium (Cocaal), held in Savior.
The text presented by Adriano is an unfolding of his post-doctoral investigations developed in the Postgraduate Program in Cinema and Audiovisual at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). In his research, he reflects on narrative and aesthetic elements of a strand of contemporary Latin American cinema with socio-environmental concerns, based on the film Entre la Niebla, by director Augusto Sandino, and through concepts such as territory, resistance, magical realism and acculturation. .
Cocaal's proposal is to promote reflections on Latin America focused on the relationship and dialogue between cultures and collective perspectives, considering, for example, listening to voices and the traces of the multiplicity of experiences of the people that the colonial project brought together, under signs of Africanity and Amerindianity.
Thinking about strategies for social and political transformation and intervention, the event claims, through the adjective "Afro-Amerindians", the possibility of multiplying perspectives to reinvent common life on the continent, in the fields of cinema and art.
Other information and publications originating from the event are available on the Cocaal website.