Problems of art in Latin America

Problems of art in Latin America

Problems of art and public space in Latin America: UCSH academic exhibits in Havana

The academic Ángela Ramírez, from the UCSH School of Arts and Humanities, presented last Friday, October 20 in Havana, Cuba, the presentation 'The human being as material and energy of the urban metabolism', at the Activism table of the VIII Seminar International on Public Art in Latin America, held at the University of Havana.

One of the results obtained from the congress experience was the possibility of generating an updated perspective on the current problems of art in the public space of Latin America. Returning to Chile, the teacher presented the progress of this intervention work in the public space, titled Public Lloratorio, which was carried out on October 25, 2023 in front of the Central House of the University of Chile (intervention that will be until October 10 next December on display). The professor was also invited to be part of a GEAP (Study Group on Public Art) research group in Chile.

The presentation made very clear how the intersection of academic research with a street experience - an event on a public street - generates a work of art in public space. “This experience will impact future research exercises that value artistic practices as spaces of agency for the generation of new knowledge and possible ways to impact reality,” explained Ramírez.

Currently, the Silva Henríquez Catholic University focuses on strengthening internationalization at the Latin American level, for this reason, the Head of International Cooperation and Internationalization UCSH, Javiera Díaz, highlighted the visibility of the academic's work in Havana, "since this opens the doors to future academic collaborations around art with Latin American partners. These are alliances that as DIPOS we want to support more strongly.