More than 120 works by world art masters to be sold

More than 120 works by world art masters to be sold

Works by Picasso, Dalí, Negret and Miró, among others, will be sold in Bogotá: there are pieces from $300,000

The auction house Bogotá Auctions will offer more than 120 pieces by world art masters. Observation will be free to the public, before the auction
Bogotá Auctions, a renowned auction house in the capital, is preparing for an art auction that promises to be a highlight event in the Colombian capital.
On September 26, 2024, the house will offer more than 120 works by renowned masters of world art, such as Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró, Duchamp, Víctor Vasarely and Alejandro Obregón, among others.
The exhibition of all the pieces will be open to the public free of charge at the Bogotá Auctions headquarters, allowing those interested to admire these works before they are auctioned off in a price range from three hundred thousand Colombian pesos, with some works that can exceed eight million pesos, according to the catalogue on the house's website.

“Without a doubt, it is also an excellent opportunity for all collectors and art enthusiasts, an unmissable opportunity to acquire pieces of high symbolic value, some of which have a history of publications in books, exhibitions in temporary shows or inclusion in the permanent collections of museum institutions,” said Charlotte Pieri, the woman who runs the renowned art house.
According to Carlos Arturo Duque Pulido, the auction will include works that cover the history of Colombian, Latin American and international graphic art. The starting prices of the pieces are varied and accessible, since, for example, with the cheapest price you can pay for woodcuts by the Cuban Carmelo González, a work by José Restrepo and a poster of the Las camas exhibition, by Feliza Bursztyn, up to eight million pesos for a multiple from the seventies by Edgar Negret and a Colombia-Coca Cola, by Antonio Caro.

Most of the starting prices are around one million pesos, on average, according to official information.
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