Christmas Collective Visual Arts Exhibition

Christmas Collective Visual Arts Exhibition

Natal Collective Visual Arts Exhibition displays works by 28 artists from Rio Grande do Norte

Veterans and new talents were brought together to display a diverse and rich panel of plastic arts produced in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. The result can be seen at the Natal Visual Arts Collective Exhibition, which will open on the 5th (Friday), at 10 am, at the Newton Navarro Gallery of the Capitania das Artes Foundation. Works by 28 artists from Rio Grande do Norte will be exhibited, from different styles, trends and languages, with a free theme. The exhibition will remain open for public viewing until February 29th. All participants were included through a notice.

The exhibition selection will showcase works in various formats, such as paintings, collages, installations, woodcuts, assemblages (collages with three-dimensional materials), among others. According to Roberto Medeiros, head of the visual arts nucleus at Funcarte, this mix proves the diversity of local production and also encourages reflection and the exchange of ideas in the field of visual arts between artists and the public.
The artists are as follows: Catarina Alice dos Santos, Ilanna Thalma Nóbrega Dantas, Rosa Maria da Costa, Odisseia Criativa, Anthony Ederson Nunes Avelino, Ana Cecília Araújo da Nóbrega, Jorake, Sônia Teresa da Câmara, Jácome Lopes, Martim Onirismo – Opus Studio , Djalma Paixão da Silva, Tony França dos Santos, Emanoel Áquila Artes, Kalliton Felipe de Moura Paiva, Erre Rodrigo, Judson Bezerra de Andrade, and Ressignificarte Potiguar.

It follows with Raniere Carvalho de Castro, Meysa Tallyta Medeiros da Silva, Jonathan Justino de Queiroz, Sílvio César Guedes Júnior, Airton Bruno Fernandes Pereira, Ana Júlia Marinho Araújo, Beatriz Propino de Luna Freire, Maria Luiza Tenório Medeiros de Castro, Daniel César Araújo de Oliveira, Joel Estevam da Costa Lisboa, Ivan Pacheco Cavalcante Filho, Andrey Salvador Moura da Silva.

Classic and contemporary
The exhibition, according to Roberto, is above all a great opportunity to have contact with different generations of visual arts from Rio Grande do Norte. “For example, we have two luminaries of naïve art, Djalma Paixão, renowned inside and outside RN, as well as Rosa Maria da Costa, who has exhibited in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paraíba. And we have the youngest ones, like Martin Onirismo and Ranieri Rodrigues, who make innovative graffiti and images,” he explains.

For the curator, this collective exhibition has the same quality and power as traditional art salons, as it brings together selected artists from different styles, origins and generations, with the quality of their work in common. “An exhibition or an art salon have the same objective of promoting artists, promoting a taste for art, displaying classics and new trends. A salon launches new ones at the same time as it exalts established ones,” he says.

The public selection that chose the exhibiting artists was launched last October by Funcarte, a body linked to the Municipal Department of Culture (Secult), with the aim of supporting, promoting, promoting and disseminating artistic production in the segment. The final result was announced on November 28th. The curatorship also relied on the experience of Flávio Freitas, director of the integrated arts sector at Funcarte.

Christmas Visual Arts Collective Exhibition 2023. Opening on the 5th (Friday), at 10am, at the Funcarte gallery, Cidade Alta. Open for visits until February 29th.