NALATA Festival 2024: international street art transforms São Paulo into an open-air museum In this edition, the festival announ ...
The World of Frida Kahlo arrives in Peru with a sensory experience to learn about her life and art The life of the Mexican painte ...
The renowned artist from Misiones inaugurated his art exhibition in the Spanish capital, in an exhibition organized by Carminne D ...
Architecture as a diffuser of art. MALBA PUERTOS by estudioHerreros [II] The new center of the Museum of Latin American Art of B ...
Artists, cultural managers and collectors from the city and the province participated in the opening event of the impressive spac ...
Eduardo Costantini: “Collecting is a passion or an addiction, one never stops” Eduardo Costantini shows the painting by Leonora ...
Artbo celebrates 20 years: from colonization processes to works made with artificial intelligence and the Argentine presence The ...
ArtBo 2024: learn about the programming for the last day of the Bogotá Art Fair Sunday, September 29, will be the last date of t ...
ArtBo takes over Bogotá from September 26 to 29: galleries participating in the fair and everything you need to know ArtBo takes ...
Retrospective» by Jorge Hueso Ricciardulli arrives at the Museum of Fine Arts The Fernán Félix de Amador Museum of Fine Arts will ...
Works by Picasso, Dalí, Negret and Miró, among others, will be sold in Bogotá: there are pieces from $300,000 The auction house ...
The exhibition “Sensitive Geometry” rediscovers Landau’s work and its impact on Latin American art. It also advocates for greater ...
A year after his death, Fernando Botero will lead an art auction Precisely on the anniversary of his death, the outstanding Colom ...