Five 18th century paintings by José Joaquim da Rocha in Rio de Janeiro

Five 18th century paintings by José Joaquim da Rocha in Rio de Janeiro

Works will be delivered on August 15th and will be on display at the Museum of the Republic until October as part of an exchange program for the collections of IBRAM museums. The acquisition, sponsored by Instituto Cultural Vale, is part of the Movement for the Acquisition of Works for Brazilian Museums Project
With the objective of filling gaps in the collections of the country's museums, the Movement for the Acquisition of Works for Brazilian Museums Project – sponsored by the Vale Cultural Institute, approved through the Culture Incentive Law – encourages partnerships between collections, private initiative and museums .

The initiative provides for the rescue and democratization of access to important examples of the Brazilian colonial art collection.
The partnership with the private sector for the acquisition of works from relevant private collections for the collections of public museums, through the Rouanet Law program, is fundamental for museum institutions in the country.

In addition to guaranteeing the preservation of this cultural heritage in Brazil, it offers the population the right to enjoy it at any time, free of charge. The project is supported by the Federal Culture Incentive Law.