Art in paint, leather and wood adorns the MIC cultural space

Art in paint, leather and wood adorns the MIC cultural space

The sample will be available until October. The address is on Estan Arce Street #631, in the heart of Cochabambino.
Works in paint, leather and wood adorn the halls of the Interactive Museum of Microfinance (MIC) in its second annual season.

This cultural space, belonging to Banco Sol, exhibits on this occasion the work of three artists who live in Cochabamba. The sample will be available until October and opens the possibilities for these workers to offer their products and expand their network of contacts.
The MIC of Banco Sol is located in the heart of Cochabamba, on Esteban Arce Street #631.

"The MIC is a very good help for entrepreneurs. The truth is, I feel very happy to be a participant in this cultural space. In this way, a venture becomes known and reaches more people," said Diego Veliz Valencia, one of the exhibitors.

In addition to Veliz, the sculptor Juan Carlos Limachi and the painter Rafael Alejandro Zeballos exhibit in Cochabamba.

Juan Carlos Limachi, a La Paz artisan specialized in wood work, uses materials such as oak and cedar to create his pieces. His passion for carving drives him to continue innovating in his craft, with the aim of satisfying and attracting new clients.

On the other hand, Rafael Alejandro Zeballos, originally from the province of Cercado in Cochabamba, has 19 years of experience in the art of painting. He is distinguished by the personalized and characteristic designs of him, often centered on colorful flowers. His passion for his art drives him to continue creating new works, and the public's acceptance of him is an important incentive to continue with his work.
This season, the five MICs of Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija and Sucre) will host 16 artists and micro-entrepreneurs. Each MIC will feature a selection of these artists, who will exhibit a total of 218 works.

In its almost seven years of operation, the MIC Cultural Space has benefited 311 Bolivian exhibitors throughout the country. Inaugurated in 2017 in La Paz, the MIC expanded to the regions of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz in 2018, Tarija in 2022 and Sucre in 2023, consolidating itself as a model of inclusion and cultural development.
In 2023, a total of 38 exhibitors benefited from this project, with a notable majority of women standing out, who represented 76% of the total. During that period, 549 works were presented in 42 different exhibitions, covering various disciplines such as sculpture, painting, literature and micro-business ventures.
