Mexican art in Museo Nacional de Cuba?

Mexican art in Museo Nacional de Cuba?

La institución habanera muestra obras mexicanas de diversas épocas y formas
Cuatrocentos años de arte mexicano en las colectiones del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes is the title of the contentive sample of paintings, engravings and drawings exhibited by the Havana institution.

The works belonging to the center's funds can be seen by the public in the Edificio de Arte Universal and integrate the collections of Latin American Art and International Contemporary Art.
Los assistants can enjoy the creations of important authors of the new Spanish plastic art of the eighteenth century and of world fame, such as José Mariano Hernández, Miguel de Herrera, José de Páez and José Medina, precisa PL.

The room that hosts the contemporary segment highlights pieces by José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera, José David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Luis Cuevas, as well as pieces by Manuel Felguérez and José Guadalupe Posada.

According to their curators, Yanet Berto and Margarita González, "the major merit of the exhibition lies in the diffusion of the plastic arts of the brother country, acquired by this Cuban museum in different eras, of different forms and different origins, as well as the possibility of showing part of this heritage with a speech referring to the Mexican nationality of the works".