During the month of August, “art and sustainability”

During the month of August, “art and sustainability”

Take part in art and sustainability with Idartes in August, a space for the circulation and commercialization of artistic ventures.

This week, the District Institute of the Arts (Idartes) and the Sustainable Ecosystem for the Arts have inaugurated the Art and Entrepreneurship Zones, a new space dedicated to creativity and art. According to the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, during August two additional spaces will be opened for the circulation and commercialization of artistic, cultural and research ventures. These new places aim to promote sustainable practices in the capital.

Furthermore, during the development of these activities, spaces will be enabled that will support the artistic growth of the participants. To this end, mobile stages will be implemented that will allow attendees to enjoy family activities, highlighting sustainable production processes. In addition, spaces and platforms will be available where artists and entrepreneurs can share and exhibit their products and works.

The program will include a sports activity to collect trash in San Luis Park, environmental activities such as a sowing bale and a waste collection point. In addition, there will be artistic activities such as the Madrugón de la Antiferia, a reading aloud of the story “Robot comes trash”, a discussion on Artistic Activism for Climate Change, and three activities in the Literary Cycle by the Idartes Literature Management. There will also be musical performances on the mobile stage with Asaltos Bailables, Agua Palabra Sonora, Flor de Cerezo and great DJs by DNA Music.

Participate in art and sustainability with Idartes in August. Get scheduled!
How to sign up for “art and sustainability”?
The University Art and Entrepreneurship Zone aims to articulate and promote the processes developed in creative and cultural industry ventures by participating higher education entities.

The academic section consists of 5 conferences with important agents of the Creative and Cultural Industries, who will share the strategies that have allowed them to forge artistic projects characterized, among other features, by their sustainability; as well as the exhibition and presentation of posters of research projects and the creation of research groups and projects of the invited Universities.