Rare 60-year-old work by Latin America's top artist is restored

Rare 60-year-old work by Latin America's top artist is restored

Moinho Vitória: rare 60-year-old work by a top Latin American artist is restored

Mural by mosaicist Raphael Samú, the same man who created the Ufes sign and is super prestigious in Brazil and Latin America, was made especially for Buaiz Alimentos in 1963
In 1963, Moinho Vitória, the first in Espírito Santo and historic for the industrial development of the State, owned by Buaiz Alimentos, received a mosaic mural to call its own.

The work of art signed by Raphael Samú, considered one of the most famous mosaicists in Brazil and Latin America, will be restored and reinstalled in 2023 - at the age of 60 - when the company also celebrates 82 years since its foundation (the date is celebrated in this Friday, the 26th).
Once revitalized, the square panel measuring approximately four meters will adorn one of the reception walls of the building that currently houses part of the offices, board of directors and presidency of the food giant, in the Center of the Capital.
The rescue of the work, listed as rare by researchers and rediscovered after cataloging listed monuments in Espírito Santo, fulfills the role of perpetuating the company's participation in the evolution that began at the time of the beginning of work with wheat in the state, in Espírito Santo.