Salvador hosts for the first time IX Latin American Cinema and Art Colloquium

Salvador hosts for the first time IX Latin American Cinema and Art Colloquium

After a brief interruption, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IX COCAAL takes place at the Faculty of Communication, at the Federal University of Bahia

For the first time, Salvador will host the IX Colloquium on Cinema and Art in Latin America (COCAAL), an international, academic and cultural event that takes place between the 19th and 22nd of September, at the UFBA Faculty of Communication.
With the theme “Afro-American Latinities”, COCAAL brings together activities that serve both the university public and the local public, with a program consisting of conferences with intellectuals linked to Latin American audiovisual, artistic and cultural production, and also activities parallel cultural activities, such as the screening of short films from Latin American countries and an exhibition by Bahian photographer Lita Cerqueira. The entire program is free and open to the public, and can be accessed on the event's official website:

The opening of the IX COCAAL will take place on September 19th, at 6pm, in the Sala Walter da Silveira, at the Biblioteca dos Barris and will feature the lecture “(Not so) recent news from the social subsoils of a Ladina Améfrica and a Pedagogy of Fireflies ”, by UFBA professor and researcher, Carlos Bonfim, followed by the screening of the film “Mugunzá” (2022), by Bahian filmmakers Ary Rosa and Glenda Nicácio.

Guilherme Maia, professor at the Faculty of Communication at UFBA, is presiding over the Organizing Committee. For him, this is a moment of extreme relevance not only for Salvador, but for the entire region. “We had editions of COCAAL in Mexico, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Now it’s the Northeast’s turn,” he explains. Guilherme also reports how the arrival of the project in the city is a way to “decentralize and expand the reach of discussions about cinema and art in Latin America, in addition to encouraging the participation of students and researchers from states in the Northeast”.

Yanet Aguilera, professor at Unifesp (São Paulo) and co-founder of COCAAL, is excited about the prospect of cultural exchange. Yanet also adds that academia, like several areas, focuses more on the South and Southeast, therefore, she believes that there is a lot to learn from COCAAL's arrival in Salvador.

Professor and researcher Tunico Amâncio, from UFF (Rio de Janeiro), one of the speakers invited to the event and co-founder of it, like Yanet, believes that “leaving the traditional poles of discussion, set in the Southeast, was a wise decision, with results that will certainly be very stimulating!”


The ninth edition of the Latin American Cinema and Art Colloquium brings the theme “Afro-Amerindian Latinities”, part of the need to rethink Latin America and go beyond the colonial vision that unified it under the generic categories of “African” and “ Amerindian.” Instead, it proposes exploring “Afro-Amerindian Latinities” to recognize the diverse experiences of people who have been colonized and how they manifest themselves in cinema and the arts.

A pluralistic approach, which seeks to reinvent life in common in Latin America and which will be present throughout the event's program, from the conferences held in the auditorium of the UFBA Faculty of Communication, between the 20th and 22nd of September, in the morning ( 9am to 12pm), as well as parallel activities such as short film screenings with productions from Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.


What: IX Colloquium on Cinema and Art in Latin America
When: September 19th to 22nd
Where: Walter da Silveira Room (September 19th) and Facom/UFBA (September 20th to 22nd)
How much: Free
Complete schedule at:
Instagram: @coloquiococaal

September 19th (Tuesday)
Opening of the IX COCAAL
Conference with Carlos Bonfim (UFBA) and screening of the film Mugunzá (Dir. Ary Rosa and Glenda Nicácio, 2022, 101 min.)
When: 19/09, at 6pm
Where: Sala Walter da Silveira (Barris)

September 20th (Wednesday)
Guest Tables & Work Sessions
*Free and certified access upon registration
When: 20/09, from 9am to 5:30pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (several rooms)

FIVRS Show – Rio Grande do Sul International Videodance Festival
Curator: Rosângela Fachel (Brazil)
When: 20/09, at 6pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (1st floor foyer)

Show “World Indigenous Cinema”
Curator: Abril López (Argentina)
When: 20/09, at 7pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (Auditorium)

September 21st (Thursday)
Invited Tables & Work Sessions
*Free and certified access upon registration
When: 21/09, from 9am to 5:30pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (several rooms)

Video installation “Lita and her people”
Curatorship: Priscila Miraz and Regina Gomes/ Editing: Inara Rosas
When: 21/09, at 6pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (1st floor foyer)

Show “Feminine Black Cinema”
Curator: Izabel Melo (Brazil)
When: 21/09, at 7pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (Auditorium)

September 22nd (Friday)
Invited Tables & Work Sessions
*Free and certified access upon registration
When: 22/09, from 9am to 5:30pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (several rooms)
Exhibition “The visualization of border territoriality”
Curator: Mayra Huerta (Mexico)
When: 22/09, at 5pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (1st floor foyer)

Closing of the IX COCAAL
Conference with Yanet Aguilera (Unifesp) and tribute to Ana López
When: 22/09, at 6pm
Where: Facom/UFBA (Auditorium)