Theme: “BIRDS”
Deadline: September 1, 2025
Portal ANIMALCARTOON – Belgrade (www.animalcartoon.net)
A. Participation
Open to all cartoonists worldwide over the age of 18, regardless of nationality, religion, gender, or education.
B. Cartoon Theme
C. Submission Guidelines
Submissions must be sent via email to info@animalcartoon.net.
Artists may submit up to five original digital artworks (A4 size) in JPEG or TIFF format (NOT PNG) with a resolution of up to 300 dpi and a maximum file size of 3 MB per artwork.
Each submission must include the artist’s name, address, email, photo, and a brief CV in .doc format (NOT PDF).
Zipped files (zip, rar, etc.) will not be accepted.
Previously awarded works will not be considered.
Accepted submissions that pass pre-selection will be immediately published on the Animalcartoon portal.
D. Submission Deadline
September 1, 2025
E. Prizes & Awards
First Prize: €300 (net)
Second Prize: €200 (net)
Third Prize: €150 (net)
Special Prize “Lazo Sredanović Dikan”: €200 (net)
Additionally, 10 diplomas will be awarded.
F. Exhibition Details
The exhibition will take place at Zoological Garden Belgrade (BEO ZOO VRT) from October 10, 2025, to October 10, 2026.
The exhibition will also travel to other cities in Serbia and abroad.
G. Catalogue
All participants will be able to download a PDF catalogue from the official portal.
H. Terms & Conditions
The organizers reserve the right to use submitted artworks without compensation for various purposes.
Works will be added to the permanent exhibition and archive of Animalcartoon.
Submission implies acceptance of all contest rules.
Submitted artworks will remain the property of the organizers.
For more information:
Špiro RADULOVIĆ – Cartoonist & Manager of Portal Animalcartoon
Email: info@animalcartoon.net
Website: www.animalcartoon.net