3rd Niko Nikolla International Cartoon Biennial, Albania 2024
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3rd Niko Nikolla International Cartoon Biennial, Albania 2024

3rd Niko Nikolla International Cartoon Biennial, Albania 2024
 Cartoon: To live with the digital world
Caricature: Portrait Dritan Abazovic

• Open to everyone, regardless of nationality and age.
• 2 entry per participant, size - 8.5 x 11 inches, CMYK, and minimum 200 dpi.
• The entry maybe colored or black & white.
• When submitting, kindly include the personal profile.
• Deadline of submission will be on August 31, 2024.
• Submit your entry to: albexcellence@gmail.com, nikolla04@yahoo.com
• Only 150 cartoons will be selected for the exhibition.
• The rights of the cartoons remain to its authors.
• Submitted entries maybe used for promotional poster or video exhibition.
1st Prize: 500 Euros
2nd prize: 300 Euros
3rd prize: 200 Euros
The prize of the Nikola Family is 500 Euros
Prize Tef Palushi 200 Euros
Five encouraging awards for young cartoonists.

• Certificate of recognition will be provided to the official exhibitors.
• The exhibition will be on octocer 18--20, 2024 at Teatri Migjeni-Shkoder-Albani.
