1. Any professional or amateur artist can participate in this contest.
2. The theme of the contest is THE SNAIL.
3. Participants may submit a maximum of three works. The author certifies that the submitted works are original, have not been awarded in any other competition, and are not the result of artificial intelligence.
4. The works (only comic strips) can be created using any pictorial technique, but must follow a unique A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm) or proportional dimensions.
5. Works can be without words or, if they include text, the text must be in Catalan, Spanish, or English.
6. Only works sent via email toinfo@ilertravel.es will be accepted. Participants may send up to three images that must follow the format indicated in point 4. Works sent by regular mail will not be accepted.
7. The deadline for submission is April 11, 2025.
8. The email must include, in addition to the work(s), the participant’s name, surname, address, phone number, a short CV, and a photograph and/or caricature of the author.
9. The winning work will receive a single prize of €1,017 (subject to applicable tax deductions) and a trip to Lleida for two people. If the winner expresses their desire, two nights of accommodation in the city will be provided to attend the award ceremony on May 23, 2025, coinciding with the opening of the XLIV Aplec del Caragol. It is recommended not to modify the travel dates, as any additional expenses due to changes will be covered by the winner.
10. The jury’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.
11. The jury will consist of representatives from Fecoll, IlerTravel, and Humoràlia.
12. The jury’s decision will be communicated to the winner during the last two weeks of April or the first two weeks of May 2025 via email, and it will later be published on Humoràlia and Fecoll websites and social media (www.aplec.org).
13. The winner must submit the original work in person at the award ceremony or send it via certified mail, properly protected, to the contest organization (if the winner cannot attend in person). If the work was created entirely or partially using digital tools, a hand-signed copy by the author must be sent. The mailing address for Federació de Colles de l’Aplec del Caragol is: C/Obradors, 2, 25002 Lleida.
14. A maximum of 50 selected works, chosen by the jury, will be exhibited at Fecoll’s headquarters or, if necessary, in other facilities.
15. The electronic versions of the submitted works will be displayed in a virtual gallery, which will later be published on the websites of Humoràlia and Fecoll.
16. The organization reserves the right to distribute and reproduce the winning work and selected works solely for the purpose of promoting Aplec and future editions of this contest, without requiring additional permission from the author(s) and without any obligation towards the artist.
17. Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of these rules without reservations. Any doubts that may arise will be resolved by the jury.