Fabio Goncalves

Fabio Goncalves


Fabio Gonçalves is a Brazil-based artist renowned for his hyperrealistic pencil drawings that are inspired by architecture, art history, and pop culture. One of his notable works is a meticulous drawing of the Duomo di Milano door, which took him over 350 hours to complete1. This drawing replicates the original design made by Italian sculptor Ludovico Pogliaghi in 1906, focusing on a section where Mary is holding Jesus, surrounded by angels. Gonçalves’ work is characterized by a masterful use of light and shadow, which gives his drawings a three-dimensional appearance, almost fooling the eye into seeing depth and relief1. His dedication to capturing every detail is evident in the time he invests in each piece, often spending hundreds of hours on a single drawing. For more insights into his creative process and to view his latest projects, Gonçalves is active on social media platforms like Instagram, where he shares his work with a wide audience. His art captures the essence of the subjects he chooses, making his pieces a celebration of the intricate details that compose our architectural and cultural heritage.
