Mieczysław Wasilewski

Mieczysław Wasilewski


Mieczysław Wasilewski born 1 January 1942 in Warsaw * 1960-66 studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, graduated from Henryk Tomaszewski's class * since 1971 he has taught at the Warsaw Academy's Departament of Graphic Art as assistant of H. Tomaszewski, in 1990 appointed as professor * collaborated with numerous publishers, magazins and film distributors in Poland * since 1998 AGI (Aliance Graphique Internationale) member * main awards: Gold Medal at the 6th International Poster Biennale, Warsaw (1976); Prize for Best Warsaw Poster in of the year 1988; Silver Medal at the Polish Poster Biennale, Katowice (1989); Silver medal at the 14th International Poster Biennale in Wasaw (1994); Silver Medal at the 1st International Theater Poster Triennial in Sofia (1995), Honourable mention at the International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, 2010* fot. D. Zgutka, 2010
