Mohammad Saber Sheikh Rezaei

Mohammad Saber Sheikh Rezaei


Mohammad Saber Sheikh Rezaei was born in 1985 in Tehran. He has a bachelor's degree in visual communication from the Faculty of Arts of Shahed University. Since 2003, Sheikh Rezaei has participated in more than one hundred solo and group exhibitions in Iran and abroad in a competitive and invited manner, and by participating in various national and international art festivals and competitions, he has won more than forty top titles; Including the first rank of the first Islamic Contemporary Arts Festival. Teaching art at the Radio and Television University and the Islamic Art Training Center; Graphic design and artistic management of dozens of cultural and regional propaganda campaigns and projects at the national, regional and international levels; Collaborating with publishers and print and electronic media and judging poster design competitions, including judging the poster section of the 7th Festival of Young Visual Arts, is also part of Sheikh Rezaei's activities. He is one of the twenty-five successful young people in Tehran province who were selected and introduced in the field of art at the "Frame for Youth" festival.
