Olle Magnusson

Olle Magnusson


He was born in 1962 and lives in the Swedish city of Linkoping. He has been working as an illustrator and art director since 1983. Olle started out as a political cartoonist for “The Östgöta Correspondent”, the Moderate Party and “Företagarförbundet”, a small business interest group. Additionally, he has run an advertising agency since 1991. Drawing has always been part of his work and new digital technologies have reawakened interest in cartoons. “I am 51 years old and I live in Linköping, Sweden. I work as an art director and illustrator. I must have been 14 years old when my father gave me a copy of “Mad Magazine” when he was visiting the United States. There was a cinematic parody of the movie “The Sting” drawn by Mort Drucker. I was hooked, from there I bought all the “Mad” magazines I could find. When I was 20 years old I worked as a cartoonist and illustrator for different newspapers. I was self-employed for 3 years and then started at an advertising agency. I worked more as an art director than as an illustrator. As the years went by I just stopped doing cartoons because I wasn't interested at the time. Two and a half years ago I got interested again and bought a Wacom tablet and started learning digital painting. Currently my main income comes from the advertising business, but for two years I have been selling cartoons to different kiosks.”
