Ehsan Cheraghi Iranshahi

Ehsan Cheraghi Iranshahi


Awards and honours • Third place in the Third International Festival "Quds" - Turkey - December, 2019 • Shiraz Peace Museum Award Winner (1st Shiraz International Peace and Health Festival) - 2020 • Second place in the Second International Cartoon Festival "Nottic" of Columbia - 2015 • Diploma of Honor of the Third Columbia International "Nottic Cartoon Festival" - 2017 • Diploma of Honor from the Fourth International Cartoon Festival "Nottic Colombia" - 2018 • Member of the selection committee at the Second International Festival of "World Quds Day" - 2018 • Silver Award of the 15th China International "Free Cartoon Web" Festival - 2016 • Special Award of the Second International Festival of "Human Rights" - Tehran - 2017 • Special prize of the International Festival "Caneva Ride" - Italy - 2016 • Award of recognition of the National Festival "Hands One" - 2020 • Third place in the Comic Festival of Iran Press and News Agencies - Jorramabad - 2009 • Second place of the Second "Tehran Urban Media Festival" - 2016 • Second place in the "Kermanshah Media Festival" - 2017 • Diploma of honor of the International Festival "Yami Toos" - Greece - 2015 • Diploma of honor of the International Festival "Yami Toos" - Greece - 2019 • Second place of the 8th Festival of Visual Arts "Basij" - 2016 • Best artist of the fifth, sixth and seventh Cartoon Biennial in the province of Qom • Finalist of the Comic and Cartoon Magazine Contest - 2018 • First place in the Worn Texture Festival – Qom - 2011 • Winner in several Festivals of visual arts - Hamedan • Finalist in more than eighty international festivals • Exhibition and publication of works in the festival catalogue: “Graphic Comedy” (Peru), Piracicaba (Brazil), “Fajr International Festival Yami Tops” (Greece), “Aydin Dogan” (Turkey). “Caneva Ride” (Italy), “Flood Festival” (Spain) and “Tabordai” (Argentina). He is a professor at the “University of Science and Technology” and the “University of Culture and the Arts”. He is a member of the Alborz Association of Visual Arts and a member of the Qom Province Association of Visual Arts. He has also organized eight individual exhibitions and has participated in more than eighty group exhibitions in the field of caricature at home and abroad. Likewise, he has illustrated 40 volumes of children's books: "Companions of the Cave", "Interpretation of animal sounds" - ten volumes -, "Properties of food" - ten volumes -, "Skills" - two volumes-, "The Sheep Don't Fall in Love”, “Hungover Crabs” and a collection of flashcards from “A Happy Family” and illustrated books for adults for the Endowment and Charity Organization: “The girl must be a woman”, “Forever Endowment”, “ Hadith Stories” and “Memorization of the Holy Quran”. He also designed the cover art for a five volume “Peace of life” collection, the cover art for a ten volume “Estilo de vida” collection, creating a thousand vignettes for a two volume “Refreshment of Life” collection for Hanars Publications. He has also collaborated with newspapers and magazines: “Jam Jam”, “Humor and caricature”, “Mayyar”, “Rain”, “Waiting for a teenager”, “Hamshahri” and “Shahrvand” newspaper.
