Rodrigo Mineu

Rodrigo Mineu


Lives in São Paulo, Brazil. Former editor of Eugenio Marketing Imobiliário. He has collaborated in the creation of advertising campaigns for the public and private sector. He also participated in Graphic Humor Festivals in Brazil, Germany, Belgium, Colombia, France, Iran, Portugal, Romania and Turkey. His works have been published in international catalogs and he has won more than 35 awards in humor exhibitions. When he was a teenager, the cartoonist Rodrigo Minêu decided to stop drawing for a while. The break, which lasted four years, had a very specific reason: he was frustrated with what he produced. Copies of the heroes of Marvel and DC, two comic book giants, did not satisfy his self-criticism. “My drawing was limited”, explains the cartoonist, half from Pernambuco, half from Bahia. He worked for “Full time Brasil Comunicação” and “Alucine Films”.
