Marco De Angelis

Marco De Angelis


Marco De Angelis was born in Rome, Italy in 1955. He is a journalist, cartoonist, illustrator and professional graphic designer. He is a journalist for the newspaper “La Repubblica” and has published since 1975 in more than 150 newspapers and magazines in Italy, Europe and the United States such as “Il Popolo” from 1979 to 1997, “Il Messaggero”, “Metropoli”, “Il Mattino ”, “Grazia”, “Gialli Mondadori”, “Panorama”, “Lavorare”, “Help!”, “Travaso”, “Marc'Aurelio”, “Washington Post”, “Los Angeles Times”, “Chicago Tribune”, “Vancouver Sun”, “Tampa Tribune”, “Herald Tribune”, “Courrier International”, “Le Monde”, “Nebelspalter”, “Eulenspiegel”, “Jez”, “Feferon” and “Szpilki”. Many of his editorial cartoons are distributed worldwide by CartoonArts International and The New York Times Syndicate. His works are also published on numerous websites and in the online magazine “Buduàr”. He is an illustrator of numerous children's books for important publishers such as “Giunti”, “De Agostini”, “La Scuola”, “San Paolo”, “Lapis”, “European Language Institute” (28 reviews in 30 countries). As a graphic designer he had numerous collaborations with important associations, companies, television stations “RAI TV” and “TeleMontecarlo”. He has won more than 70 awards (16 first places): Palme d'Or in Bordighera ('97), Council of Europe Prize ('78 and '90), S. Valentino (2005), Istanbul ('87), Tehran, Tokyo , Krusevac, Amsterdam, Belgrade, Skopje, Bjelovar, Galati, Montreal, Ottawa, Olen, Paris, Pistoia, Pescara, Chieti, Città di Castello, Dolo, Trento, Fano, Genoa. Two books with his illustrations received two important awards in Italy. He was also a member of the jury and editor for Italy of “Witty World”. His works are exhibited in museums in Tolentino, Skopje, Istanbul, Tehran, Stockholm, Boca Raton and others.
