Michał Jasiewicz

Michał Jasiewicz


It's difficult to define my technique. It keeps changing, depending on the motif, momentary mood, accident. I constantly try to look for new ways and experiment. It must be fun! Painting brings me joy, which hates boredom and working within the framework of the skills I have learned. Watercolour as a technique is a bit unpredictable; you need to give it autonomy and let it do half of the work for us. You can't try to control each detail, as it kills the greatest merit of watercolour - spontaneity and freshness."     Born in 1977 in Nowy SACZ, Poland. An architect by profession. Professionally active. A painter at the same time - treats painting as a hobby which, beside architecture, is a passion and a part of lifestyle.   Contrary to his technical education perceives watercolour as a category of painting/ art rather than graphics.  Elements of architecture frequently appear in his works, though they are never represented directly; they are usually part of a broader cultural landscape. The coexistence of the natural landscape and human artifacts makes a remarkable material which enables the artist to create a half-realistic, half-poetic vision of the world, a vision as elusive as the changing light or seasons of the year. The resulting works are quite often inspired by a flash of light on a facade, shimmering surface of the water, billowing sky rather than by a particular object. He is often invited to run painting workshops and live watercolour painting sessions both in Poland and abroad. Many of his works are located In European, Chinese and American collections .
