Gemma Pepper

Gemma Pepper


Gemma Pepper is an award-winning fine art photographer and artist currently living and working in Switzerland. She received a Master’s in Art Education, Curatorial Studies from the Zurich University of Arts in 2021. Originally from the UK, she graduated from the University of Derby with a Bachelor Hons in fine art photography in 2013. She has taken part in numerous solo exhibitions as well as group shows in Great Britain, The Netherlands, Vietnam, Greece and Switzerland. Her photographic work explores the interiors of buildings such as museums, prisons and lost places. The mixed media artworks combine inherited and vernacular photography with digital images by the artist. The principle of the collage is to reconstruct found photographs, ephemeral materials and objects to create something new out of something old. The strength of the collage artist is to create something that has a power, abstraction and rhythm. The work is created with photographs that have been discarded or inherited, cuttings from magazines and other recycled materials, a reflection of the world around us.
