Jaime Gili

Jaime Gili


After finishing secondary school in Caracas, he went on to study at IDD, Instituto de Diseño Fundación Neumann, in Caracas, an institution of historical importance which by then was in decline following Venezuela's downfall. When IDD closed, branching into a new school called Prodiseño, Gili continued studying and became one of its founding members. In 1990 he moved to Barcelona to complete a degree in Fine Arts (1990–1995) at University of Barcelona, where he also completed a PhD years later (1998–2001). In 1998 he moved to London, having won a scholarship at the Royal College of Art to complete an MA in painting. He has since settled in the United Kingdom. During his academy years he proudly took part in two Erasmus Programme exchanges, to continue studies in École des Beaux-Arts, Paris and Berlin's HdK, Berlin University of the Arts in the nineties. His main tutors throughout the years include Eugenio Espinoza and Fanny Krivoy in Caracas (1989-1990), Joan Hernández Pijuan and Joaquim Chancho in Barcelona (1992–1995), Claude Viallat in Paris (1994), and Peter Doig, Vanessa Jackson, John Dougill, Jo Stockham and Paul Huxley in London (1996–1998).
