Annie Drew

Annie Drew


My first experience of professional wildlife art was a book by Christophe Drochon. Nothing had ever inspired me the way his work did, it was such beautiful and realistic art. I couldn’t begin to work out how he had achieved it, but I knew instantly this was where I belonged. Choosing to leave further education at 17, was a difficult decision. But I was struggling to find a course that would teach me what I wanted to learn. I already knew exactly what I wanted to do, and didn’t want to be limited by what resources were available / affordable to me. With one year’s worth of formal art education under my belt, as well as a childhood built on creativity, I decided to learn by doing. Starting full-time at such a young age allowed me to grow quickly. Learning as much as possible, seeking advice and building a support system of professional creatives. They helped with framing, printing, teething problems and the occasional disaster! I jumped in head-first, and have never wanted to deviate from the path. Simply to expand it! Being self-taught allowed me to focus on what I knew I wanted to do, with passion and determination. Gaining a wealth of knowledge in my chosen field, that can be continuously built on.  
