Achille Superbi

Achille Superbi


“I am a graphic design coordinator for Italian Radio Television, a subsidiary in Turin, where I have worked since 1982 using both computers and more traditional forms of expression, especially humorous illustration. For many years I worked regularly as a caricaturist for the weekly television sports program "Il processo del l uned" and published more than 500 illustrations for advertising campaigns, books and Italian and international magazines such as “Sport Master”, “Autosprint”, “I Padroni del pallone”, “Ulisse”, “Witty World Cartoon Magazine”, “Guerin Sportivo”, “Figurita Panini” and the best international political cartoon of our time, “L'Almanacco di Frate Indovino””. Awards and honours • "Duttero d'argento" awards and "Consiglio d'Europa" award at the International Humor Exhibition Hall “di Bordighera” • First place "La lumaca che sorride" at the 420th Fiera Fredda • First place "Lutin d'Or" at the International Caricature Festival of St. Esteve • Palme d'Or at the 45th International Smoke Exhibition Hall of Bordighera • Special mention in the Third International Competition of Santa Cruz in Tenerife, • Special prize della Giuria at the XVIII International Art Biennial of Tolentino • Honorable Mention" in the IV International Competition of Santa Cruz in Tenerife • First place in "Humor & vigne" by Jonzac • First place "Luigi Mari" at the "XXI International Art Biennial of Tolentino • Second place at the "International Cartoonfestival Wolsberg 2002 • First place “FECO Argentina International Cartoon Contest” - Buenos Aires • First place in the “VII Santa Cruz International Competition” - Tenerife • Place prize in the 4th Courage Contest - Taiwan.
