Alexander Novoseltsev

Alexander Novoseltsev


“I am a freelance artist and I love drawing caricatures, portraits, illustrations and characters. My goal is simple, “Patreon” and its sponsors help me draw and grow my art, have fun doing it, and share fun with the people who look at my art. I hope you can help me with this good idea! :) I'm always ready to share my tutorials and the video process I'm using to create my art, so someone could study on their own. In other words, I am always open to showing people how I make my art and sharing it with you in step-by-step tutorials or in the video drawing process.” Alexander Sergeev was born on September 1, 1948 in Leningrad. He graduated from the Moscow Polygraphic Institute in 1977 with a specialization in book drawing. For many years he collaborated with the most important book and newspaper publishers in St. Petersburg and Russia. He has published and illustrated more than 700 books and albums. Sergeev is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the Creative Union of Artists IFA (UNESCO) and a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. He participated in more than 100 national and worldwide exhibitions. He is the winner of 43 international creative book drawing and cartoon competitions in Austria, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Japan, China, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Cuba and Brazil. His works of art are on display in museums and private collections in Russia, Germany, Japan, France, the United States, Turkey and England. He currently lives and works in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
